Scientific Programme

Full programme now available: LINK


09 September, 2024 10 September, 2024 11 September, 2024 12 September, 2024

Session 1
Immuno-Oncology 1

Session 5
Ageing Immune System
Session 9
Optimizing Immunity
Through Exercise  
10:00-10:30Coffee breakCoffee breakCoffee break
10:30-12:00Session 2
Immuno-Oncology 2

Session 6
 Challenging the
Immune System  

Session 10
Travel Award Winner
12:00-13:30Registration Lunch / Board MeetingLunchClosing & Awards

Session 3
Muscle - Immune 

Session 7
15:00-15:30Coffee breakCoffee break
15:30-17:00Opening & KeynoteSession 4
Brain - Immune Interaction
Session 8
Gut - Immune Interaction
Poster Session
Symposium Dinner
Neustift am Walde 68
1190 Vienna
(19:00 - 21:30)


Keynote Speaker and Presidential Lecture

  • Keynote Speaker:
  • Presidential Lecture:


Invited Speakers 

Christoph Bock

Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (CeMM) & Medical University of Vienna - Austria


Keynote: Looking into the past and future of cells: Epigenetic cell states in immunity

Richard J. Simpson

University of Arizona & University of Arizona Cancer Center - USA


Presidential lecture: Exercise as an immune adjuvant for adoptive cell therapies in hematologic malignancies

Daniela Caporossi

University of Rome Foro Italico - Italy


Exercise-induced systemic response: the role of circulating extracellular vesicles



Monika Fleshner

University of Colorado - USA


A Fresh Perspective on Exercise Immunology: It’s All in the Brain

Karsten Krüger

University of Giessen - Germany


Exercise effects on the dynamic interactions between inflammation and T-cell ageing

José Cesar Rosa Neto

University of São Paulo - Brazil


Endurance Exercise: Metabolic Adaptations in Immune Cells and Their Impact on Immuno-Fitness

Oliver Neubauer

University for Continuing Education Krems & University of Vienna - Austria


Dietary Nitrate, Exercise, and the Immune System

Jonathan Peake

Queensland University of Technology - Australia


Using -omics technologies to understand exercise-induced muscle damage

Eva Schernhammer

Medical University of Vienna - Austria


Stress biology and the circadian system: exercise with the clock

Per thor Straten

Center for Cancer Immune Therapy, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark


The exercise of mobilizing the immune system in cancer patients

Katsuhiko Suzuki

Waseda University - Japan


Effects of fluid intake on exercise-induced organ damage and inflammation in athletes

Ana Teixeira

University of Coimbra - Portugal


Ageing: the anti-inflammatory power of lifelong exercise

Neil Walsh

Liverpool John Moores University - UK


Sleep, human performance and the immune system

Jeffrey Woods

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - USA


Fitness from Within: Exploring the Exercise Gut Microbiota Connection