
Registration Fees


Early Bird
(until 30.06.2024)

Regular Fee 
(from 01.07.2024)

Late Fee
(from 13.08.2024)


475,00 €

570,00 €

630,00 €

Early postdoc researcher (2 years after PhD, MD)

350,00 €

420,00 €

460,00 €


250,00 €

300,00 €

330,00 €

Single-Day Rate (10.09. & 11.09. Dinner is NOT included)120,00 €130,00 €140,00 €


Registration includes: 

  • Admission to all scientific sessions
  • Opening & Keynote Session on 09.09.2024
  • Welcome Reception on 09.09.2024*
  • Congress material (congress bag, final programme)
  • Lunches and coffee breaks at the congress venue on 10.09. and 11.09.2024*
  • Poster session on 10.09.2024
  • Symposium dinner on 11.09.2024*
  • Closing Ceremony on 12.09.2024

* pre-booking required, please note that for welcome reception and daily lunches only vegan/vegetarian options will be available.


Cancellations received by 30/06/2024 (11:59 pm CET) will receive 100% of the paid conference fee refunded.
Cancellations received from 
01/07/2024 until 12/08/2024 (11:59 pm CET) will receive 50% of the paid conference fee refunded.
Cancellations received after 
12/08/2024 (11:59 pm CET) or no-shows will receive no refund of the paid conference fee.

Cancellations and requests for refunds must be submitted in writing to the Event Management of the University of Vienna (email: