Abstract Submission
- Submission
We welcome abstracts with content related to exercise immunology and related disciplines - including but not limited to exercise therapy, sports medicine, immunonutrition, immuno-oncology and public health. Our theme is "Training the immune system for new challenges". Therefore, mechanistic, novel or hot topics are explicitly welcome. Abstracts must be written in English and follow the format of the ISEI abstract template. Please submit your abstract to isei2024@univie.ac.at no later than 31 May 2024 (regular abstract), 23 June 2024 (late breaking abstract). Extensions may be granted upon request.
All abstracts will be published in the book of abstracts.
- Review & Formats
Regular abstracts: Abstracts will be reviewed by an independent scientific jury, which will decide on acceptance and presentation format (oral or poster). Authors will be notified before the end of the early registration period (30 June 2024).
- Young Investigator Awards
The Young Investigators Award is dedicated to highlighting the research of outstanding young scientists who present their research in either oral or poster format. An international jury will select the three winners on the basis of the submitted abstract and the presentation at the conference. The competition is open to all participants registered as students (BSc, MSc, PhD, MD) or early postdocs (2 years after PhD, MD).
- Travel Awards
In order to facilitate the participation of early career researchers from low and middle income countries, we offer three travel grants of €500 each. Applicants must meet the following criteria: submission of an abstract for presentation at the ISEI conference, submission of proof of affiliation to a university (student confirmation or staff confirmation) that appears on the DAC List of ODA Recipients, and Payment of the full registration fee before receiving the travel grant.